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The Right Environment

The following is a bit of stream of consciousness. So please bear with me on this one and try to follow where I am going:).

Each week, I want to focus on one thing. I write it down every day to keep it top of mind. This week’s Intention is to Design, Discover, and Develop an Environment conducive for Deep Work.

What does that look like? Focus so that I can write and do the uncomfortable things that I seem to resist. It doesn’t need to be in one place. What are the characteristics? Not really sure. Maybe I should sit here for a moment and think.

Open space?
Attractive surroundings,
The temperature needs to be comfortable. Not too cold or too hot
People around or no people?

A room with windows or not.
Open space in nature or a public space?

Do I want people to see me or to be invisible

Music or no music?
What kind of music?

My home and if so, how should the room be decorated?
A comfortable room separate from everyone.
Looking out onto nature, the woods with a river or...

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Fear is Selfish

“Fear is selfish; courage is selfless. Face the fear and open up the space in your life for courage.” Joshua G Gold

Interesting concept that fear is selfish. Who are you hurting besides yourself? Hmm. So fear is all about you. Well, that sounds kind of selfish. I am not talking about the fear of being hit by a car while riding your bike (which happened to me the other day. Ouch!). I am referring to the fear of not realizing the person you can be because you are afraid. Afraid of failing, afraid of people laughing at you. Afraid that you aren’t enough. So you stay small where no one can see you. Or you remain hidden behind the mask and sense of security of what you are good at doing. Without going out into the world and doing what you genuinely want to.

Who are you cheating? Yourself? Sure. But how about all those people that would benefit from what you have to offer? How about them? How about the many lives that you can touch and change for the better? What about...

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An Exceptional Life

“If you want to live an exceptional and extraordinary life, you have to give up many of the things that are part of a normal one” Srinivas Ro

Do you get a little anxious when reading that quote? Why do I have to give up anything to have an extraordinary life? Can’t I have it all?

Why would you? What you have now is not all that you want. What you have is keeping you from achieving your potential. It’s scary to think that you need to give up safe and comfortable things for the uncertainty of what’s next. Who is that person that needs to be discovered, unwrapped, sculpted to achieve greatness? I love the analogy of our lives being a piece of marble, and we are the sculptor, the artist that chips away slowly, uncovering the beauty that is ultimately there. I think of Michaelangelo sculpting David.

It’s exciting to think about living an exceptional life. Though are you willing to make the sacrifices. Are you ready to leave behind the comfort of the...

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When Warren Buffet was asked the most critical thing that a person needs to succeed, his answer was Focus.

If you don’t have focus, and I will add clarity to the mix, you will be hard-pressed to have the success you desire. Of course, you can still have success in life, though not to the level that one wants.

So what does it take to have this type of focus and clarity? How to sustain it consistently throughout your life. Like life itself, there is an ebb and flow. As you are traveling through this journey, your lens will be in and out of focus. Your objective is to keep it focused for as long as you can. As it starts to get cloudy, fuzzy by circumstances arising out of your control that fog up the lens, readjust, pivot, change it so that you can get back to being productive and back to where it is focused again.

The stronger the WHY, the easier the how becomes. The stronger the WHY easier it is to Focus. To be clear as to the direction that you want to go.

Great! We have...

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Thoughts to Ponder

There is the knowledge that we have that we need to be reminded of.

There are things that we have learned that need to be unlearned.

There are things that we need to discard and others that we need to add.

Spend time each day thinking of what those things are. 

There is the knowledge that we have that we need to be reminded of. 

How often are we sitting listening to someone speaking, and we think we are hearing something for the first time and then realize we have listened to it so many times before? We all do. The thing about that is when we heard it the other times, it didn’t stick. It might not have been that relevant to where you were in your life. Now it is. Now it is something that you might take action on. That is when it will stick. Knowledge is just knowledge. Until you use that knowledge and take action, you are bound to forget it until the time when you are reminded of it. Then just maybe, it will stick. 

There are things that we have learned that...

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Your Ideas Matter

Your Ideas Matter, so write them down. Your life matters, so live it.
You are feeling a little insecure or like people don't give a shit about what you think or what you have to say? I would think there are a good many people who don't. And that's ok. Who needs so many people listening anyway. Especially if they are paying you lip service, those few, those precious few that care. Who cares about your ideas and your thoughts and your feelings. Those are the people that you want to speak to! Those are the people that matter.
Those are the people we are talking about when we say, "do work that matters for people who care!" Our Tribe.
I have struggled with this for quite some time. Thinking that I had nothing to say, and if I did would anyone care. But that's not true; we all matter just as our ideas do. It's our fragile ego. It does not want to get bruised. Or to expose ourselves to the non-believers, the haters who criticize everything anyone says so that they can feel better about...

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How to morning mantra!

"I am going to stay out of my own way today, I am going to keep my Ego in check, and I am going to fight The Resistance every step of the way. "

Easier said than done for sure. So how do we do this? 

First, be aware that these are just obstacles in our lives. Remembering that obstacles are opportunities for growth. With that mindset, how can you not have a great day? A failure is only one if you don't learn from it. Any day that you know something new is a good day. So let's start from that perspective. 


I am going to stay out of my own way: 

How are we going to do that? Well, to say there is one correct answer is foolish. So I am going to just make some suggestions. Things that have worked for me in the past and are still working. Realize that as you grow and change, the actions you need to take will need to change. So be flexible. 

  1. Set up your day the night before. In other words, have a good evening routine. Know what your day will look like...
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My Morning Mantra...

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What could your life look like?

Mine, yours, does it really matter. What could our lives look like? I could use coaching just as much as anyone else. Maybe even more.

We all have similar issues. Some of us are aware of them, and some are not.
Awareness is the first step to progress.
Some people aren’t even aware they are the problem. They are the bottleneck, the obstacle getting in the way of who they can be and what their lives can look like.
There are so many books written about all of this. It’s never an easy solution though it does sound simple. Just Do It! That’s what Nike says. And if it was that simple, we would all be where we want to.
What a wonderful world we would be living in then. But is it that simple? Is it that easy? I am sure you have all heard the saying,” It’s simple, not easy. “ I guess they are both not easy. What a surprise!
It takes work and willingness and insight, and the help of a few friends. And who knows what else along the way. Oh, and I...

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Are You Deserving?


Are You Deserving?

Is it a tricky question or a trick question? I've heard people say, "you are what you're committed to. " Measuring this by looking to see what you have in your life. At your relationships, at your bank account, at yourself in the mirror. What you currently have and what you see is what you are committed to. You can also say that's what you deserve. Don't mistake that for what your potential is but what you deserve. Not what you are worthy of but again, what you deserve. The work that you have put in each and every day is what you currently have in your life. So if you don't like what you see, you have can choose to change it. But you need to be brutally honest with yourself. You have to be truthful. Otherwise, nothing is going to change.

This is what I was faced with and the question, amongst many others, that I ask myself often. If things aren't going as I planned or hoped, am I deserving? Usually, the brutally honest answer is no. There are things that I...

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