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Embracing Chaos: A Path to Growth in Business and Personal Life

Embracing Chaos: A Path to Growth in Business and Personal Life

In our fast-paced world, chaos seems more like a constant companion than a fleeting visitor. Both in the realms of business and personal life, chaos is often viewed negatively, synonymous with disorder and disruption. However, there's an emerging perspective that suggests chaos isn't the villain we've made it out to be. Instead, it could be a powerful catalyst for growth, innovation, and transformation. Let's delve into how chaos, when understood and harnessed, can be a profound driver of change and growth in both business and personal arenas.

The Nature of Chaos

Chaos is unpredictable, seemingly random, and can be incredibly unsettling. In business, it might manifest as a sudden market downturn, unexpected shifts in consumer behavior, or rapid technological advancements. Personally, chaos could appear as any life-altering experience, from losing a loved one to an unexpected career opportunity. Despite its...

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Just start where you are ...

Just start where you are and take the next right an excellent mantra for personal and business growth. It emphasizes the importance of being present and not getting overwhelmed by the entirety of a journey or a significant goal. Starting where you are is acknowledging one's current state without judgment. It's a call to realistically assess your immediate situation and capabilities and then make a purposeful move toward your goal. However small that move might be.

Taking the next right action is about making a decision that aligns with your values, goals, and available information. It suggests that progress often comes from consistent, incremental steps rather than grand, sweeping leaps. It's like running a marathon; you focus on one stride at a time, one mile at a time, rather than 26.2 miles at once.

This approach is supported by research into goal setting and achievement. Studies show that breaking down large tasks into smaller, more manageable ones makes them...

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"We unlock our greatness by doing the hard things..."

Diane Nyad and her accomplishments epitomize the saying, "We unlock our greatness by doing the hard things."

Embracing challenges is a fundamental aspect of personal growth and excellence. The idea of doing the hard things – is much like the concept of resistance training in physical workouts. Just as muscles grow stronger when they face resistance, our character, skills, and mental fortitude are honed through the struggles and challenges we endure.

There was once a renowned pianist who, when asked about his success, always recounted his early years of practice. He didn't have the luxury of a piano at home, so he drew a keyboard on his table and practiced for hours each day. The resistance he faced – the absence of a real piano – didn't deter him. Instead, it fueled his imagination and commitment. In time, his fingers became so adept at the motions that when he finally sat before an actual piano, the music flowed as if it had always been a part of him. This tale...

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The Year of Living Courageously

Each year I choose a word representing what I want to accomplish to serve as my compass! This past year’s word was Community. I focused on building mine and honing in on who I wanted to be part of it and what Communities I wanted to be a part of. This wasn’t just a focus of my business but of my personal life as well. It ended up being a very successful year in terms of that. Looking back, it might have been my best year ever.

I established friendships and was part of a Jewish community in Charleston, which I cherish, even though I no longer live there.
I am in a relationship with a fantastic woman, which prompted my move across the country to California.
I have met a group of peers I feel comfortable being around and accepting of who I am.
I’ve engaged with a social group whose members are from all walks of life worldwide. The conversations that we have are both stimulating and funny as shit.
In addition, I have discovered a couple of new mentors and a...

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Priorities and more


"Never let things that matter the least get in the way of things that matter the most," Jim Rohn.

Benjamin Hardy refers to this saying, "don't let lesser goals get in the way of the important ones." Brian Tracy speaks about Eating that Frog. They are all talking about the same thing. Do what matters the most first, even though it is the most difficult. The most challenging task is the thing that is going to contribute to 80-90% of your revenue or your production or whatever metric you are measured by. 

I have been working on a concept of E3cubed. We have Essential Functions - The things that only we can do, Essential Goals - The three most important goals you have, and Essential Priorities. What are the three items or Frogs that you need to be eating now that will move your EG3 closer to completion? That's it. It's as simple as that. If you can get clear on those and act on those and only those, you will succeed.   

Do I need to say more on the subject?...

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The Right Environment

The following is a bit of stream of consciousness. So please bear with me on this one and try to follow where I am going:).

Each week, I want to focus on one thing. I write it down every day to keep it top of mind. This week’s Intention is to Design, Discover, and Develop an Environment conducive for Deep Work.

What does that look like? Focus so that I can write and do the uncomfortable things that I seem to resist. It doesn’t need to be in one place. What are the characteristics? Not really sure. Maybe I should sit here for a moment and think.

Open space?
Attractive surroundings,
The temperature needs to be comfortable. Not too cold or too hot
People around or no people?

A room with windows or not.
Open space in nature or a public space?

Do I want people to see me or to be invisible

Music or no music?
What kind of music?

My home and if so, how should the room be decorated?
A comfortable room separate from everyone.
Looking out onto nature, the woods with a river or...

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An Exceptional Life

“If you want to live an exceptional and extraordinary life, you have to give up many of the things that are part of a normal one” Srinivas Ro

Do you get a little anxious when reading that quote? Why do I have to give up anything to have an extraordinary life? Can’t I have it all?

Why would you? What you have now is not all that you want. What you have is keeping you from achieving your potential. It’s scary to think that you need to give up safe and comfortable things for the uncertainty of what’s next. Who is that person that needs to be discovered, unwrapped, sculpted to achieve greatness? I love the analogy of our lives being a piece of marble, and we are the sculptor, the artist that chips away slowly, uncovering the beauty that is ultimately there. I think of Michaelangelo sculpting David.

It’s exciting to think about living an exceptional life. Though are you willing to make the sacrifices. Are you ready to leave behind the comfort of the...

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Thoughts to Ponder

There is the knowledge that we have that we need to be reminded of.

There are things that we have learned that need to be unlearned.

There are things that we need to discard and others that we need to add.

Spend time each day thinking of what those things are. 

There is the knowledge that we have that we need to be reminded of. 

How often are we sitting listening to someone speaking, and we think we are hearing something for the first time and then realize we have listened to it so many times before? We all do. The thing about that is when we heard it the other times, it didn’t stick. It might not have been that relevant to where you were in your life. Now it is. Now it is something that you might take action on. That is when it will stick. Knowledge is just knowledge. Until you use that knowledge and take action, you are bound to forget it until the time when you are reminded of it. Then just maybe, it will stick. 

There are things that we have learned that...

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