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An Exceptional Life

“If you want to live an exceptional and extraordinary life, you have to give up many of the things that are part of a normal one” Srinivas Ro

Do you get a little anxious when reading that quote? Why do I have to give up anything to have an extraordinary life? Can’t I have it all?

Why would you? What you have now is not all that you want. What you have is keeping you from achieving your potential. It’s scary to think that you need to give up safe and comfortable things for the uncertainty of what’s next. Who is that person that needs to be discovered, unwrapped, sculpted to achieve greatness? I love the analogy of our lives being a piece of marble, and we are the sculptor, the artist that chips away slowly, uncovering the beauty that is ultimately there. I think of Michaelangelo sculpting David.

It’s exciting to think about living an exceptional life. Though are you willing to make the sacrifices. Are you ready to leave behind the comfort of the life that you know? Even if it is comfortably uncomfortable. Not everyone is. Most people are not willing to take that leap. They live their lives as a life of reaction. They are reacting to the things that happen to them. If this is you, that is ok. But what are you missing out on? How much better could your relationships be? How much better would you feel in the end if you took that leap and went out on that ledge. You were living a life without regrets!

Are at the point of saying Hell Yeah! Where do I sign up for an extraordinary life? Right here, right now. It’s a decision, a commitment to doing the work, doing things differently. It’s not about closing your eyes and clicking your heels together. You can try it; you realize that you will be right where you started when you open your eyes.

First, you need to define what an exceptional and extraordinary life is. Caution! Do not look at other people’s lives. Their lives might look impressive to you, though under the exterior, their life may be comfortably uncomfortable. Look in the mirror; look inside yourself. Think about your core values and how your future self will align with those. Spend some real time giving thought to what you really want? What is going to make your life extraordinary and exceptional? Once you have done that and have a clear picture in your mind, start taking the actions that will get you there.

This is just the first step, the beginning of the journey. You have to be in this for the long game. Change and exceptionalism don’t happen overnight.

It happens gradually every day. Then all of a sudden, one day, you look in the mirror and wonder, How did I get here?

You did the work!



50% Complete

Two Step

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