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An Exceptional Life

“If you want to live an exceptional and extraordinary life, you have to give up many of the things that are part of a normal one” Srinivas Ro

Do you get a little anxious when reading that quote? Why do I have to give up anything to have an extraordinary life? Can’t I have it all?

Why would you? What you have now is not all that you want. What you have is keeping you from achieving your potential. It’s scary to think that you need to give up safe and comfortable things for the uncertainty of what’s next. Who is that person that needs to be discovered, unwrapped, sculpted to achieve greatness? I love the analogy of our lives being a piece of marble, and we are the sculptor, the artist that chips away slowly, uncovering the beauty that is ultimately there. I think of Michaelangelo sculpting David.

It’s exciting to think about living an exceptional life. Though are you willing to make the sacrifices. Are you ready to leave behind the comfort of the...

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