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The Right Environment

The following is a bit of stream of consciousness. So please bear with me on this one and try to follow where I am going:).

Each week, I want to focus on one thing. I write it down every day to keep it top of mind. This week’s Intention is to Design, Discover, and Develop an Environment conducive for Deep Work.

What does that look like? Focus so that I can write and do the uncomfortable things that I seem to resist. It doesn’t need to be in one place. What are the characteristics? Not really sure. Maybe I should sit here for a moment and think.

Open space?
Attractive surroundings,
The temperature needs to be comfortable. Not too cold or too hot
People around or no people?

A room with windows or not.
Open space in nature or a public space?

Do I want people to see me or to be invisible

Music or no music?
What kind of music?

My home and if so, how should the room be decorated?
A comfortable room separate from everyone.
Looking out onto nature, the woods with a river or...

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