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Embracing Chaos: A Path to Growth in Business and Personal Life

Embracing Chaos: A Path to Growth in Business and Personal Life

In our fast-paced world, chaos seems more like a constant companion than a fleeting visitor. Both in the realms of business and personal life, chaos is often viewed negatively, synonymous with disorder and disruption. However, there's an emerging perspective that suggests chaos isn't the villain we've made it out to be. Instead, it could be a powerful catalyst for growth, innovation, and transformation. Let's delve into how chaos, when understood and harnessed, can be a profound driver of change and growth in both business and personal arenas.

The Nature of Chaos

Chaos is unpredictable, seemingly random, and can be incredibly unsettling. In business, it might manifest as a sudden market downturn, unexpected shifts in consumer behavior, or rapid technological advancements. Personally, chaos could appear as any life-altering experience, from losing a loved one to an unexpected career opportunity. Despite its...

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"We unlock our greatness by doing the hard things..."

Diane Nyad and her accomplishments epitomize the saying, "We unlock our greatness by doing the hard things."

Embracing challenges is a fundamental aspect of personal growth and excellence. The idea of doing the hard things – is much like the concept of resistance training in physical workouts. Just as muscles grow stronger when they face resistance, our character, skills, and mental fortitude are honed through the struggles and challenges we endure.

There was once a renowned pianist who, when asked about his success, always recounted his early years of practice. He didn't have the luxury of a piano at home, so he drew a keyboard on his table and practiced for hours each day. The resistance he faced – the absence of a real piano – didn't deter him. Instead, it fueled his imagination and commitment. In time, his fingers became so adept at the motions that when he finally sat before an actual piano, the music flowed as if it had always been a part of him. This tale...

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The Year of Living Courageously

Each year I choose a word representing what I want to accomplish to serve as my compass! This past year’s word was Community. I focused on building mine and honing in on who I wanted to be part of it and what Communities I wanted to be a part of. This wasn’t just a focus of my business but of my personal life as well. It ended up being a very successful year in terms of that. Looking back, it might have been my best year ever.

I established friendships and was part of a Jewish community in Charleston, which I cherish, even though I no longer live there.
I am in a relationship with a fantastic woman, which prompted my move across the country to California.
I have met a group of peers I feel comfortable being around and accepting of who I am.
I’ve engaged with a social group whose members are from all walks of life worldwide. The conversations that we have are both stimulating and funny as shit.
In addition, I have discovered a couple of new mentors and a...

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The Morning Mantra Game

Mantras are awesome. They are motivating and repeated consistently can significantly affect your attitude, behavior, and perspective on life. I can go on but that is not the point of the game. You can have a mantra for every part of your life. My Morning Mantra is all-encompassing. It pretty much covers every part of who I am and how I want to approach each and every day.

Mantras are unique to each and every one of us. Though for some reason people get stuck when it comes to writing one. I thought starting a My Morning Mantra game would alleviate any pressure about it being perfect and just let it be fun to write.

So here are the rules. Of course, you can make your own rules up since after all it is YOUR Morning Mantra.

  1. Pick three words, any three, and write a mantra using them. That’s it. Pretty simple!

For example, I picked harmonious, align, and determined. What came from that was…

“ I have harmonious relationships that ...

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“An adult is what people see on the outside, not who the person is on the inside” Joshua G Gold

Here are a few definitions of the word adult
a person who is fully grown or developed.


  1. behave in a way characteristic of a responsible adult, especially by accomplishing mundane but necessary tasks.

Then I noticed there are three stages of adulthood as follows:

(they added a 4th stage a few minutes ago:) )

The four stages of adulthood examined here include:

  • Early adulthood (ages 22–34).
  • Early Middle Age (ages 35–44).
  • Late Middle Age (ages 45–64).
  • Late adulthood (ages 65 and older).

What struck me as surprising with the 3 or 4 stages is that Early adulthood beings at 22 years old. So we are sending children who are not fully developed to fight our wars. To make decisions about someone else’s and their own lives. Doesn’t that strike you as reckless, if nothing else? We are allowing children to carry guns and drive a 2000 lb....

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