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“An adult is what people see on the outside, not who the person is on the inside” Joshua G Gold

Here are a few definitions of the word adult
a person who is fully grown or developed.


  1. behave in a way characteristic of a responsible adult, especially by accomplishing mundane but necessary tasks.

Then I noticed there are three stages of adulthood as follows:

(they added a 4th stage a few minutes ago:) )

The four stages of adulthood examined here include:

  • Early adulthood (ages 22–34).
  • Early Middle Age (ages 35–44).
  • Late Middle Age (ages 45–64).
  • Late adulthood (ages 65 and older).

What struck me as surprising with the 3 or 4 stages is that Early adulthood beings at 22 years old. So we are sending children who are not fully developed to fight our wars. To make decisions about someone else’s and their own lives. Doesn’t that strike you as reckless, if nothing else? We are allowing children to carry guns and drive a 2000 lb....

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