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The Year of Living Courageously

Each year I choose a word representing what I want to accomplish to serve as my compass! This past year’s word was Community. I focused on building mine and honing in on who I wanted to be part of it and what Communities I wanted to be a part of. This wasn’t just a focus of my business but of my personal life as well. It ended up being a very successful year in terms of that. Looking back, it might have been my best year ever.

I established friendships and was part of a Jewish community in Charleston, which I cherish, even though I no longer live there.
I am in a relationship with a fantastic woman, which prompted my move across the country to California.
I have met a group of peers I feel comfortable being around and accepting of who I am.
I’ve engaged with a social group whose members are from all walks of life worldwide. The conversations that we have are both stimulating and funny as shit.
In addition, I have discovered a couple of new mentors and a group of individuals whose focus is to pursue a worthy goal.
I have become involved with a community of individuals who are all about facilitating and designing conversations that impact change.

On the flip side, I have also shed mentors that no longer feel relevant in my journey. I will always appreciate that they were there for me when I needed them. However, it is time to move on.
Friends in my life out of convenience rather than substance have also grown distant. I am sure we have all experienced that.

I have left a life behind in Charleston for a new, improved life here in California. One that enables me to be my best self and to share that with a partner.

Now that I have reviewed and looked back at my word, compass, and North Star for 2022, it is time to look forward to 2023.

As you might have already guessed by the title of this blog that the word for 2023 is Courageous. 2023 Is The Year of Living Courageously!

This is how I will be showing up in 2023. That’s not to say for the past 65 years, I have been showing up differently. This year’s focus is to face my fears so I can have the success I desire and deserve. It’s me staying out of my way, keeping my ego in check, and fighting the resistance every day!
As some of you know, that is My Morning Mantra. I am not always successful, and sometimes I even suck at it. Though my plan for each day is to do one thing, I fear doing.
It could be publishing a blog or speaking in front of strangers. Doing a webinar or just challenging myself physically.
It is facing the big and the small things that get in my way. That causes me to procrastinate and not achieve all I can.

What is your word for 2023? How do you intend to show up each day when you open your eyes and see the first daylight?

As John Wooden would say, “ Make each day your masterpiece. “ What is yours going to look like today?





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Two Step

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