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Join me for the 5 Day Sprint Challenge

Thoughts to Ponder

There is the knowledge that we have that we need to be reminded of.

There are things that we have learned that need to be unlearned.

There are things that we need to discard and others that we need to add.

Spend time each day thinking of what those things are. 

There is the knowledge that we have that we need to be reminded of. 

How often are we sitting listening to someone speaking, and we think we are hearing something for the first time and then realize we have listened to it so many times before? We all do. The thing about that is when we heard it the other times, it didn’t stick. It might not have been that relevant to where you were in your life. Now it is. Now it is something that you might take action on. That is when it will stick. Knowledge is just knowledge. Until you use that knowledge and take action, you are bound to forget it until the time when you are reminded of it. Then just maybe, it will stick. 

There are things that we have learned that...

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