It's all about the journey...
Join me for the 5 Day Sprint Challenge


When Warren Buffet was asked the most critical thing that a person needs to succeed, his answer was Focus.

If you don’t have focus, and I will add clarity to the mix, you will be hard-pressed to have the success you desire. Of course, you can still have success in life, though not to the level that one wants.

So what does it take to have this type of focus and clarity? How to sustain it consistently throughout your life. Like life itself, there is an ebb and flow. As you are traveling through this journey, your lens will be in and out of focus. Your objective is to keep it focused for as long as you can. As it starts to get cloudy, fuzzy by circumstances arising out of your control that fog up the lens, readjust, pivot, change it so that you can get back to being productive and back to where it is focused again.

The stronger the WHY, the easier the how becomes. The stronger the WHY easier it is to Focus. To be clear as to the direction that you want to go.

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My Morning Mantra...

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50% Complete

Two Step

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