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So is this what "It Takes a Village" is all about?

I was writing this morning. More like journaling and just talking about the other day and thoughts and feelings around where I am at and where I would like to be, and it dawned on me…We all do something so the other person doesn’t have to. I am going to say that again. We all do something so that someone else doesn’t have to. Some of you might be scratching your heads and say WTF are you talking about. For example, my accountant spent years going to school and is continually educating himself on current tax law, etc. so that I DON’T HAVE TO. Cooks spend years training and sweating in kitchens and getting cuts and working long hours for shitty wages, so I can get an awesome meal and experience, so I DON’T HAVE TO. Medical professionals spend countless hours and years of training so they can diagnose my ailments, so I DON"T HAVE TO. The same goes for what everyone does. Teachers, lawyers, plumbers, coaches, entertainers, etc. all become experts in...

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The Cost of Starting or Not…part deux

 The cost of starting that conversation or not…

 We can all imagine the cost of not starting difficult conversations. Though what about those conversations that you just discount because you don’t think they are important enough? Only to find out how important they actually were.

What happens when we avoid difficult conversations? When we bury our head in the sand and think that’s the solution? It just rears its ugly head once again, and when it does it is a much more painful conversation to have. The fear of difficult conversations is usually much worse than the conversations themselves. The stories that we tell ourselves are what stops us from having them. Whether it’s a conversation with a loved one and your fear they won’t love you anymore. Or that they won’t react the way you want them to. These are both possibilities but also opportunities for growth. I know that it is hard to see it through that lens, especially when you are in...

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The cost of starting or not....continued

The cost of starting or not…continued.


What are you really missing out on when you decide not to start something?

Below is a list and a short one at that. Though I picked these because of their significance in one’s life and the world that we live in and have a major effect on every day. We don’t think Big enough. We don’t think that what we do or don’t do matters to anyone besides ourselves. When the truth is the complete opposite.


The cost of starting that project or not…

The cost of starting that relationship or not…

The cost of starting that conversation or not…

The cost of starting a family or not

The cost of starting that company or not…

The cost of starting to read that book or not…

The cost of starting to develop a new habit or not…

The cost of starting to eat healthy or not

The cost of starting to exercise or not…

The cost of starting to love yourself or not...

The cost of starting...

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The Cost of Starting...or Not!

The Cost of Starting...or Not

A morning missive by Joshua G Gold


The other day  I wrote about the cost of…. fill in the blank. Today I would like to discuss the cost of starting…or rather the cost of NOT.


The cost of starting that project or not…

The cost of starting that relationship or not…

The cost of starting that conversation or not…

The cost of starting a family or not

The cost of starting that company or not…

The cost of starting to read that book or not…

The cost of starting to develop a new habit or not…

The cost of starting to eat healthy or not

The cost of starting to exercise or not…

The cost of starting to love yourself or not...

The cost of starting to see the world differently or not.


There are costs associated with starting something, anything, or Not. What are the costs that are below the surface? Those costs that you cannot immediately see or feel or maybe even grasp at...

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The Cost of...

The Cost of…. 

Over the next few days or weeks, I will be writing about “The Cost of…”  The cost of doing something, the cost of not doing something. The cost of starting, the cost of not starting..., and so on. But today we start with just  “the cost of..."

We don’t automatically think that there is a cost of doing something. We just do it and that’s it. It’s part of our job, our life, our relationships. We just take action each and every day. What would happen, what might change if we first thought of the cost of doing that something?


The Cost of…getting up 30 minutes earlier each morning

The Cost of…having a morning routine

The Cost of…taking out the garbage

The Cost of…having a glass of water in the morning

The Cost of…journaling

The Cost of…being tolerant of others

The Cost of…listening without judgment

The Cost of…gossiping

The Cost...

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Your Circle of Significance


What is the effect of your significance?

On yourself? On those you love? On your business? On strangers, you meet? At that dinner party that you are at?

How deep is your circle of significance? What exactly does that mean and does it matter… you? These are all questions that I ask myself and my clients. The circle of significance and the circle of influence are two very different circles. They come from very different places. The distinction is where it originates.

Your circle of significance comes from your heart and soul. It comes from a deep place that only a few people can enter. As opposed to your circle of influence might come from a good place. A place that you might call your heart. Though I would challenge that it is a different part of your heart. Not as intimate and one that you wish to grow with as many people that you can.

This missive focuses on the Circle of Significance. A vulnerable place to be. How many people's lives are you...

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