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The Cost of...

The Cost of…. 

Over the next few days or weeks, I will be writing about “The Cost of…”  The cost of doing something, the cost of not doing something. The cost of starting, the cost of not starting..., and so on. But today we start with just  “the cost of..."

We don’t automatically think that there is a cost of doing something. We just do it and that’s it. It’s part of our job, our life, our relationships. We just take action each and every day. What would happen, what might change if we first thought of the cost of doing that something?


The Cost of…getting up 30 minutes earlier each morning

The Cost of…having a morning routine

The Cost of…taking out the garbage

The Cost of…having a glass of water in the morning

The Cost of…journaling

The Cost of…being tolerant of others

The Cost of…listening without judgment

The Cost of…gossiping

The Cost of…procrastination

The Cost of…being impatient with anyone

The Cost of…running a red light

The Cost of…texting while driving

The Cost of…exercising

The Cost of…isolation

The Cost of…Solitude

The Cost of…kindness

The Cost of…watching the sunrise in the morning

The Cost of…watching children play in the sand

The Cost of…hate

The Cost of…being a bully

The Cost of…vanity

The Cost of…doing well in school

The Cost of…CHANGE

The Cost of…Staying the same

The Cost of…bad habits

The Cost of…poverty

The Cost of…wealth

The Cost of…helping others

The Cost of…being a good friend

The Cost of…having toxic people in your life

The Cost of…Not asking for help

The Cost of…putting your head in the sand

The Cost of…spending foolishly

The Cost of…giving gifts

The Cost of…homelessness

The Cost of…hunger

The Cost of…waste

The Cost of…war

The Cost of…peace

The Cost of…denial

The Cost of…EGO

The Cost of…

...Continue the list...



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