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"The 1st step of being courageous is being willing to look foolish" James Clear.


Courage and fear go hand in hand. I don't think you can have one without the other. 

What are we afraid of? James Clear, in his quote above, is the fear of looking foolish. That is our Ego talking. We know that doesn't end well. Then there is the fear of physical harm. That is always a possibility depending on the situation that you are faced with. Though on an everyday basis, we are more likely to be batting our Egos. There is a saying that the expectation of fear is worse than the actual act. Our imaginations make it so much worse than it really is. 

So what separates those people with courage and those without. More importantly, how can one without courage obtain it? What actions need to be performed so that a once fearful person is now courageous. 

Confidence is one thing that courageous people have. So how do I build confidence? One way is by taking small actions and...

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The cost of starting or not....continued

The cost of starting or not…continued.


What are you really missing out on when you decide not to start something?

Below is a list and a short one at that. Though I picked these because of their significance in one’s life and the world that we live in and have a major effect on every day. We don’t think Big enough. We don’t think that what we do or don’t do matters to anyone besides ourselves. When the truth is the complete opposite.


The cost of starting that project or not…

The cost of starting that relationship or not…

The cost of starting that conversation or not…

The cost of starting a family or not

The cost of starting that company or not…

The cost of starting to read that book or not…

The cost of starting to develop a new habit or not…

The cost of starting to eat healthy or not

The cost of starting to exercise or not…

The cost of starting to love yourself or not...

The cost of starting...

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50% Complete

Two Step

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