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End of Summer

Uncategorized Sep 07, 2020

Happy Labor Day!  For those of you who are part of Radius, we are not meeting today! Let's celebrate the end of summer. Maybe not technically, but for all practical purposes, it is. 

This has probably been the strangest summers any of us have experienced. I know that time has moved very strangely for me. First at a snail's pace, then a little quicker, and all of a sudden fog set in. Then BAM it's over. 

This is how many of our lives play out in general without COVID. COVID is magnifying so many things in our lives. From social to political differences. Our school systems from pre-school to Universities are being uprooted and forced to think in different ways. We are being forced to think in different ways. Resistance to change comes in many forms. We see that happening in real-time Magnified by COVID. 

I ask you today to take just a few minutes by yourself, with family or friends, and begin to think about how you might be resisting changes that are happening in front of your eyes. 

How can you think differently about how you are treating others in your personal life? How can you run your business differently to engage with your clients or potential clients that you never even thought existed before COVID. 

People say the world is changing. It already has and will continue to do so. With all of our help and introspection and action, we can make that change for the better! 

Happy Labor Day! 

Stay safe & make smart decisions! 
Living a Life of Intention, Direction & Purpose
CEO/Founder The Joshua Gold Group LLC The  John Maxwell Team Member
C-IQ Enhanced Skills Practitioner 
[email protected] 
Joshua Gold Coaching


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